Save one-horned Rhinos – the state animal of Assam

One-horned rhinoceros also known as greater one-horned rhinoceros and Indian rhinoceros is the state animal of Assam. Indian rhinoceros is the pride of Assam as it is the home to 2/3rd of its whole population. These rhinos were once found throughout the entire stretch of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, however, owing to poaching and loss of habitat these rhinos are now counted among the endangered animal species that has drastically lessened. As their horns are used for making traditional Asian medicines and to make dagger handles, rhinos are killed and their horns are smuggled to other parts of the World.

The pride of not only the state but of the whole nation, the one-horned rhino is in the verge of extinction and poaching is an unwrapped secret that is known to every common man. Besides poaching, this animal species is also lessening owing to loss of habitat as it is being destructed by the illegal immigrants. Nations like India and Nepal are densely populated with the escalating human population that persists to impinge on wildlife habitat and moreover, the floodplains which are the natural habitat of the rhinos are repeatedly used for cultivation of crops. The rest of the areas of these flood plains are cause to experience ruthless floods and are not appropriate habitats for the rhinos.

In the year 2012, it was reported that about 21 rhinos were found dead in the state and majority of them were poached within the vicinity of the Kaziranga National Park, which is one of the prime habitat of the Indian rhinos. In the following year, within the first two months, 12 rhinos were killed for their horns of which 10 were from Kaziranga National Park, 1 from Manas, both of these are World Heritage Sites and one which possibly wander away from the Orang National Park and was slayed in the Chitalmari char region of the Morigaon district. Although, several campaigns are carried out to save the one-horned rhinoceros of Assam, but the killing has not stopped and only 3000 rhinos are there in whole of India out of which 2000 resides in Assam alone.

Most importantly, the Department of Forest of Assam should put an end to lying to the people and hiding the real facts as poaching of this innocent animal is no longer unknown to the people. Moreover, the leaders of the political parties should stop making false promises and take stern action against the culprits to save the rhinos. It is now time to create awareness among the masses to save the pride of the state of Assam from being extinct. It is the duty and responsibility of the Government to prevent illegal immigration and preserve the natural habitat for the rhinoceros that is a treasure of the state. Sattelite tracking and special task force should be employed in the national parks and forest reserves to prevent killing and poaching for these innocent creatures. It is the duty of every Assamese to help and save the one-horned rhino, which stands as symbol of the state.

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